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Be an Up-stander not a bystander – Stand with us Today marks the beginning of Youth Month in our beloved Mzansi/South Africa. An acknowledgement of the youth of yesterday and a celebration of the young of today. Recently a high school principal in Paarl shared the following with me, “ I am haunted by what […]
The people of Wellington was in for a treat on Saturday 28 May 2022 with the opening of their beloved Pelikaan Park(Veg Koppie). Even in the wet weather people came out in their numbers to support Hillcrest United on this historic day in their history. The excitement was evident between the supporters and the players, […]
The B97 taxi route between Bellville and Paarl will remain closed for four more months. The route was closed way back in July after an all out taxi war between taxi operators over who had the right to use the route. The period of the closure was supposed to come […]

Drakenstein Municipality made it clear where it stands when it comes to the possible name change of the Afrikaanse Taalmonument. The Municipality gave a strong statement in Afrikaans to Minister Nathi Mthetwa. “Vandag wil ek vir die agbare Nathi Mthetwa, Minister van Sport, Kuns en Kultuur, sê: ‘Hou jou hande van die Afrikaanse Taalmonument af!’ […]
22 March 2022 8 pm, President Cyril Ramaphosa reported that the cabinet upon the recommendations of the National Coronavirus Command Council has decided to ease several restrictions as part of Adjusted Alert Level 1 restriction guidelines. Gatherings are once again being restricted- indoor and outdoor venues can now take up to 50% of their capacity […]
Deur: Basil Davids Jong mense van 18 jaar en ouer kan steeds vir hul jabs gaan en hoef geensins te twyfel nie. Bjorn October, ’n 27-jarige onnie, het Vrydag ook soos baie ander sy jab gekry. Volgens October voel hy nou baie meer gerus en die angs is minimaal. October het aan Son gesê dat hy […]
Deur: Astrid Februarie SKULDIG. Dís die woord wat Melvin “Mel” Volkwyn ná ’n hele dag gister in die hof gehoor het aan die einde van die regter se lang uitspraak. Dis vir die moord op baba Orderick Lucas in Maart 2019. Regter Nolundi Nyati het Volkwyn se lot in die Kaapse hooggeregshof met dié […]
Deur: Bohemia Jumatt TWEE onskuldige meisies is raakgeskiet toe bendes in Kuilsrivier op mekaar losgebrand het. Die twee maatjies Zeta du Plessis (12) en Cassidy Poole (13), het voor ’n huis gesit toe hulle gewond is. Die voorval het Dinsdagmiddag in Verenigdestraat in Kalkfontein plaasgevind nadat die tweetjies van die skool af gekom het. Volgens […]
Deur: Anele Mfazwe Kwesbare vroulike plaaswerkers is Woensdag in ’n Vrouemaand event bemagtig. Verskeie sprekers het die deelnemers van verskillende plase uit distrikte van Stellenbosch tot in Ceres inligting oor allerhande kwessies gegee. Die plaaswerkers, almal lede van die Women On Farms-projek, het ook kans gekry om vrae te stel om duidelikheid van […]